For advanced Sadhaks
★★★★★ 5/5
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Mentor :
Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji
Course Coordinators :
Bakul Chugh, Madhavi Karanam
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Programs Benefits...
Multi- Subject Ambidextrous Skills
The program results in whole brain development and perfect coordination between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This leads to the ability to use both hands to write two different subjects simultaneously in less than 6 months.
Whole Brain Development
The program leads to whole brain development, leading to the ability to process and grasp multiple streams of information in a synchronous way.
Enhanced Focus and Clarity
It strengthens the neurological pathways in the brain and its synergistic coherence. This enhances the ability to focus and concentrate leading to the ability to perform tasks much faster.
Enhanced Perceptive Intelligence
The individual gains the aptitude to understand and manage complex subjects with ease. The intelligence enhancement develops the ability to recall information at lightning speed.
Eidetic Memory or Photographic Memory
It develops the photographic memory. The individual can recall any text in the first reading with 80% accuracy.
Boosts Nine Kinds of Intelligence
It develops nine kinds of intelligence like, Intuitive Intelligence, Numerical Intelligence, Articulative Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Financial Intelligence, Kinesthetic Intelligence, Perceptive Intelligence, and Communicative Intelligence. All of these help in building a successful life.
Regular Online Guidance
The program is designed to Mentor and handhold the Participants with sufficient webinars and messaging systems throughout the program. The program includes mentoring and LIVE sessions by Siddha Guru Atmanand ji as and when required for the participants.